**Helloooooooo!** Hope you're doing great! This is SMY! 👋 Let's Jump right in 🚀 Part 1: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-1-our-first-mvp](https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-1-our-first-mvp) Part 2: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-2-folder-structure-integrating-api](https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-2-folder-structure-integrating-api) Part 3: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-3-making-test-apps](https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-3-making-test-apps) Part 4: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-4-publishing-to-npm](https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-4-publishing-to-npm) This is Part 5 of our SDK development series where we get a CDN of our SDK ## Contents: * ⚡ `Getting CDN` * ⚡ `Integrating CDN and testing SDK` ### Step 1: Get a CDN Head over to [`https://www.jsdelivr.com/`](https://www.jsdelivr.com/) and search for your NPM package. Choose the default version, and copy the link. Head over to the Test Browser app, and integrate the CDN: ```xml Document This is a Test HTML ``` Open the file, and see the result: ![](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1719339509833/05f4c77c-bb5a-4ad0-b081-76d99edb816d.png align="left") ### Step 2: Getting the latest CDN version always Put `@latest` instead of the version to always fetch the latest CDN version `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ts-lib-template-starter@latest/dist/index.global.min.js` Sometimes, when a new version of SDK is published, `jsDeliver` few minutes to a few days to point `@latest` version to the updated version. To fix this, when you publish a new version, head over to [`https://www.jsdelivr.com/tools/purge`](https://www.jsdelivr.com/tools/purge) and enter the link of the CDN like: ![](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1719343862760/fbe78aaf-4ecd-4377-9cc4-cefd2d20b547.png align="center") This will purge the cache and point `@latest` version to the updated version. ## Wrapping Up: We Just completed the steps to get a CDN of our SDK. Stay tuned for further parts to dive deep into SDK development and explore features like Web Push Notifications, Service Workers etc. 🚀 ..... Now you're equipped with the knowledge to publish your own SDK. Happy coding! 🚀 That's it, folks! hope it was a good read for you. Thank you! ✨ 👉 Follow me [GitHub](https://github.com/smyaseen) [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sm-y)