**Helloooooooo!** Hope you're doing great! This is SMY! 👋 Let's Jump right in 🚀 Part 1: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-1-our-first-mvp](https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-1-our-first-mvp) Part 3: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-3-making-test-apps](https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-3-making-test-apps) Part 4: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-4-publishing-to-npm](https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-4-publishing-to-npm) Part 5: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-5-cdn-for-browsers](https://smy.hashnode.dev/typescript-sdk-development-a-5-year-old-could-follow-this-step-by-step-part-5-cdn-for-browsers) This is Part 2 of our SDK development series where we will dive into creating a folder structure and integrating an API Heads up: any attribute or method starting from `#` is a private field. Private fields are truly private and are not emitted on the console log, `d.ts`, or elsewhere. ## Contents: * ⚡ `Creating a folder strucutre` * ⚡ `Coding an example for fetching users from API` ### Step 1: Creating a folder structure ![](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1719337001763/ddfb539a-4b43-4044-b147-bdc1add43ba2.png align="center") `apis` - for all external APIs `models` - for all our interfaces `services` - for business logic code `index.ts` - our entry point `example-apps` - contains our test apps for React, Browser, Node ### Step 2: Create a HTTP Client In `src/services` create a `HttpClient.service.ts` file and paste the following content: ```javascript export class HttpClient { static #baseUrl: string = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com"; constructor() {} async get(endpoint: string) { try { const response = await fetch(`${HttpClient.#baseUrl}${endpoint}`); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`); } return await response.json(); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching data:", error); throw error; } } } ``` We have created a basic HTTP Client and using `jsonplaceholder` as our testing API endpoint. ### Step 3: Creating a User Model In `src/models` create a `User.model.ts` file and paste the following content: ```javascript export interface User { id: number; username: string; email: string; } ``` ### Step 4: Create an API to fetch Users In `src/apis` create a `Users.api.ts` file and paste the following content: ```javascript import type { User } from "../models/User.model.ts"; import { HttpClient } from "../services/HttpClient.service.ts"; export class UsersAPI { #httpClient: HttpClient; constructor() { this.#httpClient = new HttpClient(); } async getUsers(): Promise { try { const users = await this.#httpClient.get("/users"); return users as User[]; } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching users:", error); throw error; } } } ``` Created a basic example of fetching users from an external endpoint. ### Step 5: Create an Entry Point Inside `src/index.ts` paste the following content: ```javascript import { UsersAPI } from "./apis/Users.api.ts"; class SDK { static #instance: SDK; #usersAPI: UsersAPI; constructor() { this.#usersAPI = new UsersAPI(); } public static getInstance(): SDK { if (!SDK.#instance) { SDK.#instance = new SDK(); } return SDK.#instance; } public fetchUsers() { return this.#usersAPI.getUsers(); } } export default SDK.getInstance(); ``` A basic entry point of SDK. This is a Singleton Class to have 1 existence throughout our application. Later useful when initializing with properties like API key once in application. ### Step 6: Build the SDK Add the following script to your `package.json` ```bash "build": "tsup ./src/index.ts --watch" ``` `--watch` the command will watch for any changes to the directory and automatically build your SDK. Now run: ```bash npm run build ``` ### Step 7: Create a test Node App In `example-apps` create a `index.js` file and paste the following content: ```javascript import sdk from "../../dist/index.js"; console.log(await sdk.fetchUsers()); ``` Now run the file with node: ```bash node index.js ``` Your output should be looking like the following: ![](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1719338444168/2095f970-4739-4c5e-a4a9-48109df06d1d.png align="center") Congrats 🎉🥳 🚀🚀🚀 We Just Built and Ran our first proper SDK! ## Wrapping Up: We Just completed the basic steps to build and run our proper SDK. Head over to Part 3, where we will integrate our first test React app, Browser app, Node app, and Legacy Node app 🚀 ..... Now you're equipped with knowledge to build your own SDK. Happy coding! 🚀 That's it, folks! hope it was a good read for you. Thank you! ✨ 👉 Follow me [GitHub](https://github.com/smyaseen) [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sm-y)