**Hellllooooooo!** Hope you're doing great! This is SMY! 👋 In this article, we are going to learn about **Implementing Authenticated Protected Role-based Routing using Next.js and HOC**. Part 2: [https://smy.hashnode.dev/validate-user-path-access-on-edge-with-nextauth-nextjs-middleware](https://smy.hashnode.dev/validate-user-path-access-on-edge-with-nextauth-nextjs-middleware) ### Contents: * ⚡ `My Story and Explanation` * ⚡ `Implementation of Role-based Routing using HOC` \*\*Let's start \*\*🚀 `Routing` is one of the most used parts of Web Development today. `Routing` allows us to effectively switch between different pages. In my experience, routing through the `React Router Dom` library in a `React` application is way more powerful than in `Next.js` since developers have the upper hand in implementing `Routing` in their own, and custom way. `Next.js` on one hand gives developers the feasibility of not having to configure routing is great for a simple application but becomes difficult once you have multiple roles and conditions. I've found 3 ways of implementing Role-based protected Routing using Next.js, and the first one is using HOC. ### Implementation of Routing using HOC: #### Constant Roles `roles.ts` ```bash const Roles = { customer: 'customer', admin: 'admin' }; export default Roles; ``` Created a constant Roles file to stay consistent #### Constant RouteNames `RouteNames.ts` ```bash export const RouteNames = { login: '/auth/login', signup: '/auth/signup', dashboard: '/dashboard', admin: '/admin', }; export default RouteNames; ``` Created a constant RouteNames file to stay consistent #### RouteConfig `RouteConfig.ts` ```bash import Roles from '../utility/roles'; import { RouteNames } from './RouteNames'; const routeConfig: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string } } = { auth: { default: RouteNames.login, [RouteNames.signup]: RouteNames.signup, [RouteNames.login]: RouteNames.login, }, [Roles.customer]: { default: RouteNames.dashboard, [RouteNames.dashboard]: RouteNames.dashboard, }, [Roles.admin]: { default: RouteNames.admin, [RouteNames.admin]: RouteNames.admin, }, }; export default routeConfig; ``` Created a constant Route Configs which contains configuration as to which role has access to which page, and its default page. #### withAuth HOC `withAuth.ts` ```bash import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { getAuthState } from '../store/slices/authSlice'; import { useSelector } from '../store/store'; import routeConfig from './RouteConfig'; const withAuth = (Component: React.FC) => (allowedRole: string) => (props: any) => { // getting the auth state from redux store const { isLoggedIn, role } = useSelector(getAuthState); const router = useRouter(); // using a state to keep track if user is in correct state or path const [isValidRoute, setIsValidRoute] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { // first condition is to check if logged in and if on wrong path // then route to default route of the particular role user is of if ( isLoggedIn && (!(role === allowedRole) || !routeConfig[role][router.pathname]) ) { setIsValidRoute(false); router.push(routeConfig[role].default); } // second condition is to check if not logged in and if on wrong path // then route to default not authenticated path else if (!isLoggedIn && !routeConfig.auth[router.pathname]) { setIsValidRoute(false); router.push(routeConfig.auth.default); } // if upper two conditions are not met then the route user is in correct and return the component else setIsValidRoute(true); }, []); return isValidRoute ? : null; }; export default withAuth; ``` #### using withAuth HOC on pages `dashboard.ts` ```bash import React from 'react'; import { NextPage } from 'next'; import withAuth from '../../routes/withAuth'; import Roles from '../../utility/roles'; const Dashboard: NextPage = () => { return


; }; // See how we are passing the valid Role through the second currying export default withAuth(Dashboard)(Roles.customer); ``` ### Wrapping Up: That's the HOC way of implementing Authenticated Protected Role-based Routing using Next.js. Stay tuned, where I will cover two more ways * ⚡ `using AuthGuard component at most Parent Level` * ⚡ `using Next.js middleware` - [https://smy.hashnode.dev/validate-user-path-access-on-edge-with-nextauth-nextjs-middleware](https://smy.hashnode.dev/validate-user-path-access-on-edge-with-nextauth-nextjs-middleware) That's it, folks! hope it was a good read for you. Thank you! ✨ 👉 Follow me: [GitHub](https://github.com/smyaseen) [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sm-y)